Vranken Martin's scubavideo and scubapicture

Photos and vidéos from Zelande


Photos and videos of Zeeland were shot in the Oosterschelde (open sea) or in the Grevelingen (shut sea pool).
We dive in "Wemeldinge",bridge pile "Zeelandbrug", "Burghsluis", "Plompetoren", "Schelphoek"... Oosterschelde .(open sea).
And in "Scharendijke", "Dreischor", "Ossehoek" ...and many other for the Grevelingen

Dive sites:dive sites of Zeeland
Those areas are natural environment rich in wildlife but visibility is not always ok, and current may be strong.
On this page you will find 2 or 3 names of emblematic species.
For a more comprehensive list of the species represented on the photos you can check Doris' website : Doris
Here we have
La Crevette grise   Le tourteau

La crevette bouquet  Le homard
  • Lien video par espèces
  • Photos of "crustacean"

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    Photo Photo Photo Photo
    Crevette grise Crabe vert Mysis Pagure commun
    Macropode Galathée noire Macropode Crevette hippolyte
    Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet Tourteau Crevette grise
    Crevette grise Caprelle Caprelle Crevette hippolyte
    Etrille Macropode Crabe vert Homard
    Crevette bouquet Tourteau Tourteau Etrille
    Mysis Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet
    Etrille Tourteau Tourteau Galathée noire
    Macropode Crevette grise Tourteau et crevette bouquet Macropode
    Crevette bouquet Homard Homard Tourteau
    Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet