Vranken Martin's scubavideo and scubapicture

Photos and vidéos of Méditerranean sea

Méditerranean sea Crustacean

Photos and videos of Mediterranean sea were shot in "the National creeks park" in Cassis Marseille or in "the natural reserve park of Port-Cros"
We dive in 3 different diving center, "Narval plongée" with Fabienne, "Bormes plongées" with Mirko and " Lalonde plongées" with Jérôme.
Narval plongée avec Fabienne
, Bormes plongée avec Mirko
et Lalonde plongée avec Jérôme.
Those areas of preservation maintains a natural environment rich in wildlife.Remarkable dive spots like "La Gabinière", "La pointe cacau" or the "Grand conglu" are well known.
On this page you will find 2 or 3 names of emblematic species.
For a more comprehensive list of the species represented on the photos you can check Doris' website : Doris
Here we have
Spiny lobster Fiche crayfish   Lobster"Grande cigale" Fiche cigale royale

Periclimenes prawn Fiche periclimenes  Crab "Dromie" Fiche dromie

Photos of Méditerranean sea Crustacean

on clic get a greater picture,

Photo Photo Photo Photo
Grande cigale Grande cigale Grande cigale Grande cigale
Grande cigale Grande cigale Grande cigale Grande cigale
Langouste Langouste Langouste Langouste
crevette cavernicole crevette cavernicole crevette cavernicole crevette cavernicole
crevette barbier crevette barbier crevette barbier crevette barbier
Dromie Dromie Homard bleu Homard bleu
Galathée strigosa Galathée strigosa Grande araignée Grande araignée
Bernard l'hermite Petit bernard Pagurus anachoretus Grand bernard dardanus calidus Galathée a longue pince
Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet Crevette bouquet
Periclimenes aegylos Periclimenes aegylos Crabe des anemones inaphagus Crabe herbstia condyliata

video link of Méditerranean sea
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